The Voice in Your Head: How It Can Hinder Your Career Growth

career advancement emotional intelligence Aug 29, 2023

Your mind is a powerful tool and your own voice in your head plays games that can either propel you forward or hold you back. Let's delve into how this happens in the context of your career.

How the Voice in Your Head Plays Games

When it comes to your career, the conversations you have with yourself can significantly impact your progress. Does your inner voice tell you that you're not good enough? Does it plant seeds of insecurity, causing you to doubt your skills and abilities? It's perfectly normal for these thoughts to arise. However, substantial issues arise when we begin accepting them as facts. Despite knowing deep down that certain things are good for us, we often end up dancers in a loop of self-sabotage orchestrated by this inner dialogue.

Why does this happen?

Our mind is an expert at crafting compelling arguments designed to keep us in our comfort zone, to protect us from risks and failures. It uses leftover fears and insecurities to initiate a process similar to self-handicapping.

Overcoming the Voice that Holds You Back

Thankfully, once you're aware of these games, you can take action to regain control.

  1. Identify the Negative Speech: Understand what triggers this internal dialogue, listen to those thoughts from a third-person perspective, and question their authenticity.
  2. Affirmations: Positive affirmations every day will help bring about a shift in your mindset.
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT techniques can assist you in reframing these semi-conscious dialogues. With these strategies, you could reshape your thoughts, thereby indirectly remodelling your actions and outcomes.

Ready to take charge of your career?

It's essential to keep your focus, ensure continual growth, and reach the pinnacle of your career. So remember, the voice inside your head is just an advisor, not an autocrat. Invest in self-awareness and personal growth, and don't let self-created illusions become the barriers to your success.

Final words …

Understanding your mind's intricacies and managing your inner voice can unlock unimagined realms of personal and career growth. A seasoned mentor or psychologist might help you along this journey. This "voice" is not your enemy; rather, it's a part of you that requires recognition and controlled guidance.

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